This plugin provides a convenient way to access object storage services that comply with the Amazon S3 protocol.
Support Path and Virtual Hosted requests style.
Blueprintnode based.
With multilingual debug UMG.
Encapsulated and easier-to-use file download and upload nodes.
Fully use UE’s C++ API, theoretically supporting multiple platforms.
Find OBSClinet Content in Content Broswer -> Plugins.
Open Example_Map and play this level.
Select a test server and Click buttons to test, the request respones will show on the right.
Open UMG_Example to see the detail usage of the blueprint node.
Things about object storage API:
AliCoud OSS: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/31947.htmlamazon s3: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3api/